Seafood Consumption Can Benefit Pregnant Women and Children

Aug 26 2020

Should you consume seafood during pregnancy? A big question that we are here to help answer. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) recently released a scientific report with many positive findings for seafood consumption. Great news for our Bluehouse Salmon fans! Take a look at the findings:

  • Seafood consumption before pregnancy may be related to a reduced risk of gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders.
  • Consumption during pregnancy may be related to a reduced risk of hypertensive disorders and preterm birth and better cognitive development and language and communication development in children.
  • Women who are lactating should continue to consume seafood at the same amounts recommended during pregnancy
  • Provide good sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, such as seafood, beginning at ages 6 to 12 months, and prioritize seafood for toddlers ages 12 to 24 months.

Pregnant person cooking

In addition, findings from a systematic review by the DGAC found that “mothers who ate seafood during pregnancy had babies with average 7.7 IQ points higher than moms who did not” (Seafood Nutrition Partnership). These findings of the great impacts of seafood for cognitive development and language and communication development in children is amazing news, especially since there is no evidence of maximum intake level or negative impacts it can have!

At Bluehouse Salmon, we pride in raising our fish without antibiotics or hormones in a sustainable way–so you can solely focus on nourishing yourself and your growing little ones in peace!

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