Feeding The Future

Seafood that's safe for our seas and better for our planet.


The Problem

Today, the global food system generates up to one quarter of the world’s greenhouse gasses. When human eating habits over-index beef, lamb, pork, and poultry, too many forests are cleared for farmland, too much methane is released into the atmosphere, and too many fossil fuels are burned to produce fertilizers, run farm equipment, and ship food around the globe.

Meanwhile, seafood protein consumption is rising. Most wild fish populations are overfished and can’t absorb new demand. Ocean-based fish farming offers answers, but some can still pressure our oceans due to the use of antibiotics, parasites and potential escapees into wild waters.

And when 80% of seafood consumed in the US — the world’s largest salmon market — is imported, the carbon footprint remains a heavy tread.

Atlantic Sapphire-68-WEB

The Solution

We raise fish on land in the U.S. far from wild waters. We call our invention a Bluehouse – like a greenhouse for fish, where we raise fish at optimal conditions for animal health and welfare. We set out to feed the world with sustainable seafood that keeps our oceans blue and our planet green.

Solar Energy
Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. Food production plays a major part of the climate challenges and contributes to a significant amount of global greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from food production and impacts of climate change on agriculture and the food system will deeply affect the way the world produces food in the future.

Over 80% of seafood in the U.S. is imported, and 96% of fresh Atlantic Salmon fly on an airplane to reach U.S. consumers. Bluehouse Salmon is raised locally and travels to your plate by truck — not by air — which gets us to the table faster, fresher, and at a fraction of the carbon footprint.

Although Atlantic Sapphire’s carbon footprint is lower than conventional salmon farming, our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint and become the most efficient animal protein producer in the world. In May 2024, we officially become a participant in Florida Power & Light’s (FPL’s) SolarTogether program, allowing us to source 45% of our total energy consumption from renewable solar energy in the Sunshine State.. And we aren’t stopping anytime soon! We plan to increase and then source 100% renewable energy from FPL without the use of carbon offsetting.

Zero impact<br>on our oceans

Zero impact
on our oceans

By producing salmon on land, we are protecting wild populations of salmon and other wildlife from the potential escapees, parasites, and disease often associated with farming fish in the ocean.

Our vision is to be completely out of the ocean by reducing marine ingredients from our fish feed. Last year, we introduced a novel algae oil to replace 25% of the fish oil in our feed and will continue to replace fishmeal or fish oil in the feed using novel ingredients such as algae oil, insect meal, and single cell protein.

The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse The Bluehouse



Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) is a technology for growing sustainable seafood on land, inside a Bluehouse. Our water is continuously purified by a state-of-the-art filtration system and the fish are free to swim against strong currents, as they do in the wild.

Our water source is naturally purified through limestone rock in a sustainable ancient artesian aquifer. The water is more than 20,000 years old and has never been exposed to man-made contamination such as microplastics. We recycle over 99% of the water.

Of all the water used, under only 5% is freshwater and over 95% is saline water which is not otherwise suitable for irrigation or human consumption. By 2025 we plan to significantly mitigate our consumption of fresh water by replacing it with treated saline water from the Floridan Aquifer.

Our fish are raised on land in a Florida Bluehouse — like a greenhouse for fish!
Our fish are raised on land in a Florida Bluehouse — like a greenhouse for fish!

Feed conversion ratio of selected meat and fish worldwide (KG)



At our Bluehouse we can farm up to 1,000 tons annually of salmon on one acre of land, which is the highest yield per acre of animal protein in the world. Farmed salmon has a low carbon and water footprint compared to other sources of protein such as meat production and can contribute to a solution to the climate challenge.

The Feed Conversion Ratio is an estimate of the amount of feed required to increase the animal’s bodyweight by one kilogram. The table below shows that beef cattle hold the highest feed conversion rate, with an average ratio of 8, while in contrast an industry-average salmon needs only about 1.3 kilograms of feed to increase its bodyweight by one kilogram, making it a highly favorable conversion ratio. Our feed conversion ratio is approximately 1.2 in steady state and we are already a net marine protein producer.

Recyclable packaging

Recyclable packaging

Bluehouse Salmon is raised locally, which means we can use packaging that is made of fully recyclable or biodegradable material for domestic transportation. Together with a sustainability-minded supplier, we have developed boxes using 90% cellulose fiber and will only use sustainable material such as vegetable ink for prints.

By 2025, our goal is to roll-out 100% biodegradable or recycled and recyclable packaging for the transportation of harvested salmon to eliminate use of single-use plastic in our wholesale distribution packaging.

Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy Circular economy

Circular economy
overall waste
minimize overall waste minimize
overall waste


We use the waste and byproducts from the Bluehouse to minimize overall waste. Currently we are selling all of our byproducts from filleting to pet food processors.

In the future, all natural fish wastes continuously filtered from Bluehouse waters will be processed for reuse as an energy source, biogas, or fertilizer. We’re excited to form relationships with traditional agriculture partners who can benefit from our upcycled fish wastes. Our fish trimmings and by-products will be processed into fish oils and protein powders.


<p>Atlantic Sapphire, Bluehouse Salmon’s parent company, provides <strong>high-quality jobs</strong> in the <strong>rural areas</strong> where we operate. At the Bluehouse, it is estimated that we have generated direct, indirect, and induced employment <strong>of over 3,500 jobs</strong> for Miami-Dade County and the <strong>State of Florida</strong>. We are also committed to using <strong>local suppliers</strong> and <strong>business partners</strong> to support the <strong>local economy</strong> where possible.</p>

Local job creation

Atlantic Sapphire, Bluehouse Salmon’s parent company, provides high-quality jobs in the rural areas where we operate. At the Bluehouse, it is estimated that we have generated direct, indirect, and induced employment of over 3,500 jobs for Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida. We are also committed to using local suppliers and business partners to support the local economy where possible.

Healthier for people

Healthier for people

Our reasoning towards an even cleaner and healthier product is simple: our Bluehouse Salmon is not exposed to viruses, diseases, or parasites that exist in the wild because our water source comes straight from artesian aquifers which have not been exposed to any man-made contamination.

Bluehouse Salmon is raised completely in closed water containment which means there are no microplastics or mercury in our water and no need for the use of antibiotics or pesticides at any point during its life.

Bluehouse Salmon has received the American Heart Association’s “Heart Check” certification because it is high in Omega-3s fatty acids that help maintain a healthy heart, and it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Let's feed your feed

Feeding The Future

Seafood that's safe for our seas and better for our planet.